Thoughts which doesn't affect the world's peace

Fast batch rename of files in bash

     Posted on Thu ,16/12/2010 by Robbin

Whoever had to rename dozens of files in a folder knows how painfully slow that can be. Here is a one line bash script how to do this fast.

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Passwordless ssh login

     Posted on Thu ,16/12/2010 by Robbin

It’s frustrating to enter your password over and over again over multiple boxes when you need speed or just if you have to issue commands frequently. One way to avoid this hustle is to enable passwordless ssh login. Note that this should be done in a secured network, where no outside access is possible, as this is security issue you have to consider otherwise!

Before we start, there is something to be configured on the remote box.

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Using fuse file system over SSH

     Posted on Thu ,16/12/2010 by Robbin

Did you ever had to check multiple directories on multiple linux boxes, to copy or maintain files on all of them and even create a batch files to automate your tasks?

Here is a simple way to implement grsync (graphical rsync backend) with fuse file system over ssh for (graphical) backup of certain directories:

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Find and remove multiple files

     Posted on Wed ,08/12/2010 by Robbin

Under *nix operating system, there is a command to find files and folders, called the same way – find.

Are you tired of all the windows users browsing through images and creating “Thumbs.db” files?

Here is how you can remove these files with just one command:

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Calculate your download speed

     Posted on Tue ,02/11/2010 by Robbin
A lot of people doesn’t know how to calculate the maximum download speed they can get from their internet provider.
Here is how it’s done:
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A lot of luck in a rainy day

     Posted on Tue ,26/10/2010 by Robbin

This is one hell of a lucky woman!

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Easy parking

     Posted on Tue ,26/10/2010 by Robbin

Yes, she is blonde!

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Apache2, .htaccess, mod_rewrite

     Posted on Mon ,08/02/2010 by Robbin

In apache2 you can’t use .htaccess files by default. That’s just fine, security-wise, but not if you really need to use them.
In the general case, you should put your mod_rewrite or any other .htaccess rules in your httpd config (if you have access to it).
If you need to add mod_rewrite rules to a .htaccess file, you should look for the following:
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vista/windows 7 partitions

     Posted on Sat ,06/02/2010 by Robbin

In windows prior to the Vista version we had to use third party software (such as partition magic) to fix partitions on our hard drives. Since windows vista however, the time to look on outdated software for partitioning and getting mad on how bad it works is over.

Microsoft made it easy for the end user to understand how to do his partitions and how to do it right…. well almost….
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Backspace in Firefox for linux

     Posted on Wed ,27/01/2010 by Robbin

 One common thing about using multiple operating systems is that you are used to one shortcuts in one operating system and would like to have the same in all others.
However, Firefox in some linux distributions does not have the “usual” behaviour of the backspace key – to return  you to the previous browsed page.
Luckily, this is a easy tweak and you don’t even have to restart firefox, your GUI or reboot.
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