Posted on Mon ,25/01/2010 by Robbin
Recently there has been problem found with gnome menus – on applications such as evolution and pidgin, the main menu disappeared.
Apparently, this is a bug in the gnome desktop environment.
The solution:
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Tags : Administration, Gnome, Linux
Categorized under :Administration (Linux), Linux, Software (Linux)
Posted on Fri ,08/01/2010 by Robbin
Sometimes, during Windows XP boot-up you might encounter the “Unmountable Boot Volume” blue screen of death, even though the OS was working jus fine minutes a go. This error is due to corrupted boot.ini file.
Here is what you can do to fix it:
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Tags : Administration, Blue Screen Of Death, BSOD, Unmountable Boot Volume, Windows
Categorized under :Administration (Windows), BSOD, Windows
Posted on Tue ,08/12/2009 by Robbin
On a mans’ party, everyone are drinking and having fun, except one guy.
– What’s going on, mate? Why you aren’t having fun?
– Well…. doctors discovered AIDS with my wife…. Hey, I was kidding, why everyone became so pale?
Categorized under :Fun, Text
Posted on Tue ,08/12/2009 by Robbin
Man and his wife are sitting in a restaurant. The man trying to cut his steak with the knife accidentally splashed some sauce on his wife’s shirt.
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Categorized under :Fun, Text
Posted on Tue ,01/12/2009 by Robbin
A blond girl found out that her boyfriend has been dating other women.
She grabbed a gun and went to the hotel where last her boyfriend was seen.
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Tags : blond, boyfriend, gun, infidelity
Categorized under :Fun, Text
Posted on Tue ,01/12/2009 by Robbin
Look at the following image. What do you really see?
Read the full text for explanation.
funny bottle
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Categorized under :Fun, Pictures
Posted on Tue ,01/12/2009 by Robbin
A lot of people needs to edit large amounts of images, part of these people are doing that for the living. Have you ever been worried about the large amount of images you have to edit? Worry no more! There is one simple but nice application which can help you in editing your images faster.
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Tags : Software, Windows
Categorized under :Software (Windows), Windows
Posted on Mon ,30/11/2009 by Robbin
Have you ever felt like uninstalling your mail server after you’ve received another dozen of these “Logwatch for…..” type of mails? That wouldn’t really be necessary, here is how you can do that “safely”:
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Tags : Administration, Linux, Logwatch
Categorized under :Administration (Linux), Linux